Saturday, May 31, 2014

Aikido for Kids in Hikari

Aikido is
• Non-violent self-defense
• Non-competitive movement practice
• Compassionate conflict resolution
• Mind/body awareness and integration
• Relaxation and good exercise
• Beautiful flowing movement
• Fun

AIKIDO is a modern Japanese martial art especially suited to the needs of today. It is a non-violent form of self-defense and a discipline of mind/body awareness and integration. Aikido defense techniques consist primarily of joint locks and throws and are based on receiving the attacker with compassion and going along with the power of the attack to defeat aggression.
Aikido is not a tool for “winning.” There are no matches or competitions. Its smooth, circular, and flowing techniques use body wisdom and inner energy rather than requiring great muscular power and speed. Aikido can be practiced and enjoyed by anyone regardless of age, size or strength. Aikido is an enjoyable learning adventure carried out in a mutually supportive atmosphere. Because students move and learn at their own pace, Aikido is an effective form of exercise and relaxation that people can continue for their whole life.
Aikido offers a practical and effective form of self-defense that aims at protecting yourself without hurting another human being. The goal of Aikido is to learn to move and live in a state of power, gentleness, freedom, and harmony.

CHILDREN’S AIKIDO classes use Aikido games as well as formal defense techniques to create a fun-filled learning situation. Basic self-defense is covered, though it is strongly emphasized that fighting is not a game and should be avoided if at all possible. Through cooperative, non-competitive, non-violent martial art training, children gain an understanding of how to get along with others and how to resolve conflicts in a humane way. The Aikido methods of body awareness and coordination help children improve their performance in everything they do, from soccer to violin. And the training in relaxation and concentration help children in such things as homework or paying attention in school.

Hikari Budokan was founded in early 2014. Hikari means “light, shine, gleam.” Budokan is a place fully dedicated for Japanese martial art training. It’s the first full time Dojo (martial art training hall) in Bandung. Here we can learn Aikido in a semi-private atmosphere, not more than six students per (regular) class. Or, even less number of student in our private class. It’s located in western part of Kota Bandung, Jalan Burung Tungku nomor 8 (near Jalan Rajawali Barat).

Our Aikido instructor is I Ketut Catur Ramadhan (Nidan or 2nd grade of black belt in Aikido). Ketut sensei started his Aikido practice since 2000. He has been a full-time Aikido Instructor since 2007.

You can find Hikari Budokan in google map (key word: Hikari Budokan). For further information about Aikido class in Hikari Budokan, you may call Bona Simanjuntak or leave a message at 085600055978 or 085222276518, mail us at or like our Facebook page @Hikari Budokan.